Professors Fund the Left
(too old to reply)
2004-09-16 03:06:51 UTC
Professors Fund the Left
The Daily Princetonian
By Melisa Gao
September 15, 2004

More than 90 percent of donations from University employees this election
cycle have gone to liberal causes, as Princeton joins peer institutions in
reinforcing the image of a left-leaning ivory tower.

After effectively clinching the Democratic nomination on Super Tuesday, Sen.
John Kerry secured $40,950 from donors identifying themselves as employees
or affiliates of Princeton University. President Bush received a sole
donation of $250, according to FEC records through June.

One of the most active donors is physics professor Chiara Nappi, who
together with her husband, a professor at the Institute for Advanced
Studies, has given $13,000 to liberal candidates and causes. Another $6,000
is on the way this week.

"I'm extremely worried about the current situation in the United States,"
Nappi said Friday. "America will not survive the way it is if we let
President Bush continue."

Nappi, who is particularly concerned about the environment and the war in
Iraq, often writes to local papers and emails friends and relatives about
her views.

"If I could, I would go work against him, but I can't," she said. "The only
thing I can do is give money."

Across the aisle, the only donation to Bush came from Office of Government
Affairs official Christopher Carter, a former Republican legislative

Carter, like several professors, declined to comment, saying, "The political
donations that I give are a personal decision of my own, and I separate that
from my professional actions."

In addition to donations made directly to the candidates, the Democratic
National Committee has raised $53,351 from University donors for the 2004
election cycle, while the Republican National Committee has received only
$500. Liberal political action committees such as Moveon.org have raked in
thousands more from University affiliates.

Kerry and Bush stopped accepting private donations after their respective
nominating conventions because they both elected to take federal matching

Liberal academia?

The University's results were in step with those of Yale and Harvard, both
of which had 95 percent of donations going to Kerry. Harvard employees
donated $213,045 to Kerry, representing the largest amount given by the
employees of any institution or company, according to the Center for Public

To computer science professor Andrew Appel, who has given $4,000 to Kerry
this year, the imbalance is not unexpected.

"Does it surprise me that [Ed. self-proclaimed] smart people should be
supporting Kerry?" Appel said. "No."

But Appel, who is teaching a freshman seminar this fall titled "Election
Machinery," emphasized that personal political preferences should not affect
what goes on in the classroom.

"I do my best to make class be scholarship and learning, and not influenced
by partisan ideas," he said.

Some conservative students wonder, however, whether professors' opinions
might filter through in more subtle ways such as the topics they choose to

"That a professor gives to Kerry over President Bush does not mean they're
going to be slanted or biased," said Evan Baehr '05, president of the
College Republicans. "But it should lead you to start asking questions."

In March, Baehr started a Princeton chapter of Students for Academic
Freedom, a group dedicated to increasing conservative thought in academia.

Who gives and who gets

Through June, University employees have donated a total of $170,494 to
candidates and political action committees. Of that, only $13,600 has gone
to Republican causes, primarily Congressional candidates such as Rep. Rodney
Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.).

Not surprisingly, support has been strong for Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.), a
former physicist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Holt has
received $23,550 from University employees during the election cycle.

The largest donors recorded by the FEC were former Wilson School visiting
professor Barbara Blumenthal and anthropology professor Alan Mann, each
giving $25,000 to the DNC.

All other contributions were for $2,000 or less, though some professors were
repeat donors. Under the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, individuals
are limited to giving $2,000 to any candidate, $25,000 to a political party
and $5,000 to a political action committee per year.

The law was designed to eliminate the role of soft money in elections, but
critics argue the money is simply being redirected to so-called 527
organizations – independent nonprofits that can accept unlimited donations.

Those contributions are not monitored or recorded by the FEC, but a few
wealthy political activists are getting attention for the large checks
they're writing.

Topping that list is University trustee and billionaire philanthropist Peter
Lewis '55. Lewis and close friend George Soros have each pledged $10 million
to America Coming Together, a 527 dedicated to defeating Bush through
get-out-the-vote efforts in swing states such as Lewis' native Ohio.

Lewis, the former chairman of Progressive, Inc., has already donated more
than $11 million to other anti-Bush groups, according to the Center for
Public Integrity. His current total is $14.3 million, making him the single
largest donor for any election cycle.

Lewis is also the University's single greatest contributor. His donations,
which total $116 million, have funded the Lewis-Sigler Institute for
Integrative Genomics and the Gehry science library currently under

Union Against Multi-Culty

"Abolish Multiculturalism and String Up The Traitors"
Wayne H. Wilhelm
2004-09-15 14:09:22 UTC
I believe it was near the beginning of this year during which I read an
article claming US colleges are biased in their hiring, that over 90% of
their professors are Democrats.

This article seems to substantiate that. As far as the intellect aspect
(Aha, since 90% of professors are liberal Democrats, this shows the
'intelligent' people must know what's best), actually, the US has a very
serious problem with inadequate teachers (our schools are terrible). Those
teachers were taught by our college professors.

I'm not so sure our college professors are that intelligent. I've also had
some very serious problems with public schools (K-12). Perhaps we now know
why they're so terrible.

Perhaps we can fix our nations school problem by forcing the colleges and
public schools to start hiring an equal number of Republican professors and

Then again, the nations normal public schools would have to improve quite a
bit before I'd accept a job offer from them.

But seriously folks... Want to fix our nations schools? Require them to
make a serious effort to hire an equal percentage of Democrats /
Republicans. (That's if they can find any Republicans willing to work for

Post by Anti-Multiculty
Professors Fund the Left
The Daily Princetonian
By Melisa Gao
September 15, 2004
More than 90 percent of donations from University employees this election
cycle have gone to liberal causes, as Princeton joins peer institutions in
reinforcing the image of a left-leaning ivory tower.
After effectively clinching the Democratic nomination on Super Tuesday, Sen.
John Kerry secured $40,950 from donors identifying themselves as employees
or affiliates of Princeton University. President Bush received a sole
donation of $250, according to FEC records through June.
One of the most active donors is physics professor Chiara Nappi, who
together with her husband, a professor at the Institute for Advanced
Studies, has given $13,000 to liberal candidates and causes. Another $6,000
is on the way this week.
"I'm extremely worried about the current situation in the United States,"
Nappi said Friday. "America will not survive the way it is if we let
President Bush continue."
Nappi, who is particularly concerned about the environment and the war in
Iraq, often writes to local papers and emails friends and relatives about
her views.
"If I could, I would go work against him, but I can't," she said. "The only
thing I can do is give money."
Across the aisle, the only donation to Bush came from Office of Government
Affairs official Christopher Carter, a former Republican legislative
Carter, like several professors, declined to comment, saying, "The political
donations that I give are a personal decision of my own, and I separate that
from my professional actions."
In addition to donations made directly to the candidates, the Democratic
National Committee has raised $53,351 from University donors for the 2004
election cycle, while the Republican National Committee has received only
$500. Liberal political action committees such as Moveon.org have raked in
thousands more from University affiliates.
Kerry and Bush stopped accepting private donations after their respective
nominating conventions because they both elected to take federal matching
Liberal academia?
The University's results were in step with those of Yale and Harvard, both
of which had 95 percent of donations going to Kerry. Harvard employees
donated $213,045 to Kerry, representing the largest amount given by the
employees of any institution or company, according to the Center for Public
To computer science professor Andrew Appel, who has given $4,000 to Kerry
this year, the imbalance is not unexpected.
"Does it surprise me that [Ed. self-proclaimed] smart people should be
supporting Kerry?" Appel said. "No."
But Appel, who is teaching a freshman seminar this fall titled "Election
Machinery," emphasized that personal political preferences should not affect
what goes on in the classroom.
"I do my best to make class be scholarship and learning, and not influenced
by partisan ideas," he said.
Some conservative students wonder, however, whether professors' opinions
might filter through in more subtle ways such as the topics they choose to
"That a professor gives to Kerry over President Bush does not mean they're
going to be slanted or biased," said Evan Baehr '05, president of the
College Republicans. "But it should lead you to start asking questions."
In March, Baehr started a Princeton chapter of Students for Academic
Freedom, a group dedicated to increasing conservative thought in academia.
Who gives and who gets
Through June, University employees have donated a total of $170,494 to
candidates and political action committees. Of that, only $13,600 has gone
to Republican causes, primarily Congressional candidates such as Rep. Rodney
Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.).
Not surprisingly, support has been strong for Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.), a
former physicist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Holt has
received $23,550 from University employees during the election cycle.
The largest donors recorded by the FEC were former Wilson School visiting
professor Barbara Blumenthal and anthropology professor Alan Mann, each
giving $25,000 to the DNC.
All other contributions were for $2,000 or less, though some professors were
repeat donors. Under the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002, individuals
are limited to giving $2,000 to any candidate, $25,000 to a political party
and $5,000 to a political action committee per year.
The law was designed to eliminate the role of soft money in elections, but
critics argue the money is simply being redirected to so-called 527
organizations - independent nonprofits that can accept unlimited
Post by Anti-Multiculty
Those contributions are not monitored or recorded by the FEC, but a few
wealthy political activists are getting attention for the large checks
they're writing.
Topping that list is University trustee and billionaire philanthropist Peter
Lewis '55. Lewis and close friend George Soros have each pledged $10 million
to America Coming Together, a 527 dedicated to defeating Bush through
get-out-the-vote efforts in swing states such as Lewis' native Ohio.
Lewis, the former chairman of Progressive, Inc., has already donated more
than $11 million to other anti-Bush groups, according to the Center for
Public Integrity. His current total is $14.3 million, making him the single
largest donor for any election cycle.
Lewis is also the University's single greatest contributor. His donations,
which total $116 million, have funded the Lewis-Sigler Institute for
Integrative Genomics and the Gehry science library currently under
Union Against Multi-Culty
"Abolish Multiculturalism and String Up The Traitors"
Wayne H. Wilhelm
2004-09-16 01:42:56 UTC
Before anyone gets overly tuffed by what I've mentioned, my statements are
merely speculation.

NOTE: I've heard that if you're employeed by a college, your family gets to
attend that college for free. Could it be people who don't expect to be
able to afford to send their children to college apply for jobs at the
college, that the professors tend to be acquired from that pool of workers?
(People looking for free handouts?)

No, I don't seriously expect this to be true. In theory, it is a
possibility. From the perspective of Democrats, free handouts from society
or government tend to be the norm.. Free medical treatment (socialized
medicine), welfare, government funded public schools, etc. Remember, if
its' funded by government, it tends to become excessivley expensive. And
look at how expensive our colleges are.

In early 1970's, cost at Youngstown State University was $140 for 12
credits, three times per year. Room and board, $300 per quarter ($900 per
year). Less than $2,000 per year to attend college.

In the 1890's, a school teacher received food and lodging plus $5.00 per
month income.
Post by Wayne H. Wilhelm
I believe it was near the beginning of this year during which I read an
article claming US colleges are biased in their hiring, that over 90% of
their professors are Democrats.
This article seems to substantiate that. As far as the intellect aspect
(Aha, since 90% of professors are liberal Democrats, this shows the
'intelligent' people must know what's best), actually, the US has a very
serious problem with inadequate teachers (our schools are terrible).
Post by Wayne H. Wilhelm
teachers were taught by our college professors.
I'm not so sure our college professors are that intelligent. I've also had
some very serious problems with public schools (K-12). Perhaps we now know
why they're so terrible.
Perhaps we can fix our nations school problem by forcing the colleges and
public schools to start hiring an equal number of Republican professors and
Then again, the nations normal public schools would have to improve quite a
bit before I'd accept a job offer from them.
But seriously folks... Want to fix our nations schools? Require them to
make a serious effort to hire an equal percentage of Democrats /
Republicans. (That's if they can find any Republicans willing to work for
Post by Anti-Multiculty
Professors Fund the Left
The Daily Princetonian
By Melisa Gao
September 15, 2004
More than 90 percent of donations from University employees this election
cycle have gone to liberal causes, as Princeton joins peer institutions in
reinforcing the image of a left-leaning ivory tower.
After effectively clinching the Democratic nomination on Super Tuesday,
Post by Anti-Multiculty
John Kerry secured $40,950 from donors identifying themselves as employees
or affiliates of Princeton University. President Bush received a sole
donation of $250, according to FEC records through June.
One of the most active donors is physics professor Chiara Nappi, who
together with her husband, a professor at the Institute for Advanced
Studies, has given $13,000 to liberal candidates and causes. Another
Post by Anti-Multiculty
is on the way this week.
"I'm extremely worried about the current situation in the United States,"
Nappi said Friday. "America will not survive the way it is if we let
President Bush continue."
Nappi, who is particularly concerned about the environment and the war in
Iraq, often writes to local papers and emails friends and relatives about
her views.
"If I could, I would go work against him, but I can't," she said. "The
Post by Anti-Multiculty
thing I can do is give money."
Across the aisle, the only donation to Bush came from Office of Government
Affairs official Christopher Carter, a former Republican legislative
Carter, like several professors, declined to comment, saying, "The
Post by Anti-Multiculty
donations that I give are a personal decision of my own, and I separate
Post by Anti-Multiculty
from my professional actions."
In addition to donations made directly to the candidates, the Democratic
National Committee has raised $53,351 from University donors for the 2004
election cycle, while the Republican National Committee has received only
$500. Liberal political action committees such as Moveon.org have raked in
thousands more from University affiliates.
Kerry and Bush stopped accepting private donations after their respective
nominating conventions because they both elected to take federal matching
Liberal academia?
The University's results were in step with those of Yale and Harvard, both
of which had 95 percent of donations going to Kerry. Harvard employees
donated $213,045 to Kerry, representing the largest amount given by the
employees of any institution or company, according to the Center for
Post by Anti-Multiculty
To computer science professor Andrew Appel, who has given $4,000 to Kerry
this year, the imbalance is not unexpected.
"Does it surprise me that [Ed. self-proclaimed] smart people should be
supporting Kerry?" Appel said. "No."
But Appel, who is teaching a freshman seminar this fall titled "Election
Machinery," emphasized that personal political preferences should not
Post by Anti-Multiculty
what goes on in the classroom.
"I do my best to make class be scholarship and learning, and not
Post by Anti-Multiculty
by partisan ideas," he said.
Some conservative students wonder, however, whether professors' opinions
might filter through in more subtle ways such as the topics they choose to
"That a professor gives to Kerry over President Bush does not mean they're
going to be slanted or biased," said Evan Baehr '05, president of the
College Republicans. "But it should lead you to start asking questions."
In March, Baehr started a Princeton chapter of Students for Academic
Freedom, a group dedicated to increasing conservative thought in academia.
Who gives and who gets
Through June, University employees have donated a total of $170,494 to
candidates and political action committees. Of that, only $13,600 has gone
to Republican causes, primarily Congressional candidates such as Rep.
Post by Anti-Multiculty
Frelinghuysen (R-N.J.).
Not surprisingly, support has been strong for Rep. Rush Holt (D-N.J.), a
former physicist at the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory. Holt has
received $23,550 from University employees during the election cycle.
The largest donors recorded by the FEC were former Wilson School visiting
professor Barbara Blumenthal and anthropology professor Alan Mann, each
giving $25,000 to the DNC.
All other contributions were for $2,000 or less, though some professors
Post by Anti-Multiculty
repeat donors. Under the Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002,
Post by Anti-Multiculty
are limited to giving $2,000 to any candidate, $25,000 to a political
Post by Anti-Multiculty
and $5,000 to a political action committee per year.
The law was designed to eliminate the role of soft money in elections, but
critics argue the money is simply being redirected to so-called 527
organizations - independent nonprofits that can accept unlimited
Post by Anti-Multiculty
Those contributions are not monitored or recorded by the FEC, but a few
wealthy political activists are getting attention for the large checks
they're writing.
Topping that list is University trustee and billionaire philanthropist
Post by Anti-Multiculty
Lewis '55. Lewis and close friend George Soros have each pledged $10
Post by Anti-Multiculty
to America Coming Together, a 527 dedicated to defeating Bush through
get-out-the-vote efforts in swing states such as Lewis' native Ohio.
Lewis, the former chairman of Progressive, Inc., has already donated more
than $11 million to other anti-Bush groups, according to the Center for
Public Integrity. His current total is $14.3 million, making him the
Post by Anti-Multiculty
largest donor for any election cycle.
Lewis is also the University's single greatest contributor. His donations,
which total $116 million, have funded the Lewis-Sigler Institute for
Integrative Genomics and the Gehry science library currently under
Union Against Multi-Culty
"Abolish Multiculturalism and String Up The Traitors"
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